Tuesday, August 3, 2010

So the Journey Continues!

So I start my morning pretty much the same as always, sleep as late as possible and rush off to work making it there at 8:02... not bad. For those of you who don't know I am a manager of a residence for individuals with disabilities. I have always promised to be honest with the people I support about everything and I'm feeling guilty that I haven't yet given them an explanation for why I've been off work with so many appointments lately. I think in my head "How am I going to make this sound like a great thing without mentioning anything that will worry them."

I take a deep breath and head downstairs to talk with the lady who has been worrying the most. I ask her if we can talk for a minute, she says "I don't know, is it a good talk or a bad talk?" GREAT ANSWER!! haha.... I say good, I want to catch up, I missed her over the weekend etc etc. We catch up on small talk then I explain that after all these appointments the doctor says all I need is a couple surgeries and I'll be good to go. She says "then you won't be so tired and grumpy anymore?!" With an excited grin on her face... Gotta love honesty! I hadn't realized that I was tired and grumpy so I tell her that the being tired and grumpy will end immediately because of the great news I got... She's thrilled! I have similar conversations with the other two gentlemen who live in the house... phew, it went well!

My day goes on - work, visit my ex who is now taking care of my cats, go to soccer practice and return to work to do the sleepover. I bring my pre-op questionnaire with me with good intentions of filling it out. I sit and stare at it and decide to first do the math... My first surgery is August 31st, the package states clearly "RETURN TO THE PRE-OPERATIVE CLINIC A MINIMUM OF THREE WEEKS PRIOR TO SURGERY" That would give me until August 10th... why not procrastinate and live in denial for one more week? I put the package away and head downstairs to talk to the other overnight staff...

She and I catch up a little and begin joking about the positives of my whole situation:

1) GREAT medications post surgery that will allow me to say absurdly inappropriate comments without an ounce of regret until the meds wear off.
2) Free breast augmentation.
3) Possibly a free tummy tuck.
4) I may have found the cause of breast tumors, afterall they say cell phones cause brain cancer - this may be true for those who talk on it a lot, I tend to spend my time storing it in my bra... strange coincidence!
5) Nausea after surgery may help me lose more weight.
6) Four weeks off work after each surgery.

I'm positive this conversation was much more beneficial to me than filling out a questionnaire!

Overall: Good Day Today!

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up. Loving your blogs. I was so excited to hear about your good news and that you want to share your story. Looking forward to continuing to follow you on your journey.


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